Medical Malpractice & Professional Indemnity Insurance
Regulatory prescription probibits SAOPA from offering MPI cover as part of membership packages and fees, and collection of insurance premiums on behalf of brokers are only allowed via the services of a suitably registered financial service provider – which SAOPA is not. It remains the individual practitioner’s responsibility to obtain or renew their cover directly with the broker of their choice. The Association is not a financial adviser or service provider and the introduction of the following brokers and underwriters is done as a service to members and should not be viewed as prescriptive. Furthermore, any discounts agreed with the brokers are only for the benefit of the member with no commission paid to SAOPA.
Please also specifically discuss payment options with the broker should you wish toconsider debit order payments.
Genoa/Shackleton renewals can be done via a link in the SAOPA Membership Management System due to an agreement between the broker and ProfNet (which hosts our Membership Management System under a service agreement with SAOPA)/
All brokers may be contacted directly to discuss specific needs and cover options by using detail below.